The Cranial Mishaps of G-Fry

Friday, December 23, 2005


I'm not loving this new home so much. Does anyone know how to fix up my MT Blacklist? I know that Maine gave it a shot a while back, but he couldn't figure it out. Can anyone lend a hand? Anyone? Anyone?


Happiness and a Paycheck

I can't imagine doing something I hate for a living. I mean, doing a job that I don't particularly enjoy for a summer or winter break isn't that bad. I know it's going to end. I know that if I just make it through a bit longer, I'll have a paycheck, and I'll be done with it. But if I knew that every day, I had to walk into an office where I hated the people, was bored with the work, and wanted to kill my boss, there would come a point where I would calmly get up from my desk, kick my computer screen, walk out of the building and catch the next flight to Barcelona.

How do people get through their lives doing something they hate every day? Even more importantly...why do people do that? There has to be something in life that you enjoy doing, and there just simply has to be a way to make money from it. Right?

Let's do an experiment. If you hate your job, put something in the comments that you enjoy doing. Then, everyone else will try to make up a job for you. It'll be like career day back in high school, except without a hot cheerleader sitting behind you.

Unless, of course, that's something you just keep handy.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Time Keeps On Ticking...Kind've.

If I worked in an office every day, I'd post more than you could even read.

Divine Right

Good news, everyone! Our freedom is safe for another six months! President Bush, in his godly wisdom, has prodded the legislature into agreeing to an extension on the Patriot Act for another six months. Of course, it's not the permanant extension that our soon-to-be-king wanted, but that doesn't mean that it "questions...Mr. Bush's authority." No one can do that.

After all, without someone with total authority, how could we maintain a democratic state?

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Caution: Men Working

I'm still putting everything together. If you're not linked yet, don't worry. It'll come.

I promise, a real update is coming soon.

Ground Control To Major Tom...
